Thursday, December 30, 2010

In praise of the Kindle

Those of you who have Kindles, or any electronic readers, will know exactly to what I refer with this entry.  I have, for quite a long time, wanted an e-reader, and very much to my surprise, on Christmas Eve, I unwrapped one, a gift from my husband David and my parents all together.  It was the gift I wanted most for Christmas, and, as I'm sure you can imagine, it was very well-received, to the point where I was almost afraid to turn it on and start it up, so excited was I to receive it.

It did not disappoint me.  In the first evening, I downloaded one book (stupidly at full price) before I remembered Project Gutenberg, and realized that I had all the classics I could ever have wanted to read at my fingertips for virtually free.  I downloaded two, and the next day, five more. 

I can't say enough in praise of the Kindle.  My own Kindle (who I named "Annabelle Lee" -- with some spelling creativity -- after the subject of my favorite poem by Edgar Allen Poe) is light and portable and easy to carry, though she is desperately in need of a protective cover and I carry her around in the box she came in, until I pick one out.  I have to say that I am most partial to this one, especially since it's kitted out with the one thing I find the Kindle lacking in: a built-in book light for reading in the dark.  But my favorite feature has to be the "Text-To-Speech" function, which allows me to read, write, or even knit while listening to the book of my choice.  I can't tell you how much this has changed my productivity.  It's nearly impossible to knit while reading, since reading requires at least one hand, and knitting, at least two (though sometimes it seems like more!).  But this morning, I was able to "read" while knitting a mitten for a friend of mine, an activity that can't  be done with a book in your hands.  I have a feeling this is going to change my life.

With a whole world of books and reading at my fingertips (and at my ears), I've discovered The Nest Book Club, and have set what I think is a reasonable but challenging goal for myself this year:

I don't know if I can do it, but I'm certainly going to try.  I have quite the list on my Kindle of free books to read, along with three paper books that I received for Christmas from family members (and an entire bookshelf of already-read books to work my way through).  I'm determined.

The first book on my list?  One I should have begun years ago.  Jane Austen's Mansfield Park.

I began it two days ago, and so far, I'm enthralled.  I've developed a new love for Jane Austen, and plan to work my way through most of her work.  I only wish I'd "discovered" Jane ten years ago when I was a teenager going through the ins and outs of juvenile relationships, rather than as an "old married woman" (I laugh at this, seeing as I haven't been married for even two months yet) in her late twenties.

Wish me luck, and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Great goal and good luck!

    I've not read Mansfield Park either, but it's on my list! x
