Hello hello! My name is Megan, but everyone I know has called me Meg for as long as I can remember. It suits me better. I'm in my late twenties and recently married to my best friend in the world (corny and cliche as that may sound), and we live in central Connecticut on the first floor of a two-family home. We're the proud "parents" of three rescue cats, all black, and one fat, complacent guinea pig.
I went to college and received my B.A. in English and Communication Studies (fancy phrase for "Journalism") in 2005, and I'm currently working towards my M.A. in History. I'm not far from completing it. My husband, David, is a licensed emergency medical technician (EMT). I haven't figured out what I want to do with my life yet, and until I get there, I'm working as an administrative secretary at a Catholic church. I love my boss, my job is okay, and I'm pretty fortunate to have it.
I love to read, but throughout my college career, reading has taken a backseat to other pursuits, mainly because I have been forced to read so many books I didn't want to and didn't like. My favorite books are fiction, historical fiction, and history books. I'm not crazy about vampire fiction and "chick-lit", and I absolutely hate romance novels.
I also love to knit, though I'm not great at it. I knit a lot of socks. Lots of socks. Everything else is touch and go.
At a party in May of 2011, David and I first attempted fire spinning (he with staff, me with fans) and after that initial experience, we were hooked. We attended our first Wildfire Fire Spinning Retreat in Ashford, CT, in August of 2011. It was a blast and we can't wait to go again!
After a car accident in 2005, I suffered a broken pelvis and tailbone, three cracked ribs, a punctured lung, and lesions to my face (which were later corrected with plastic surgery). In the years that followed, I was diagnosed with accident-related post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in 2006 and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in 2010. I take medication and I see a therapist, and I am slowly but surely making progress.
But above all (except my husband), writing takes first place with me. I love to write, have been since I was a kid, and don't think I could ever stop even if I wanted to.
I love my life, it's pretty fantastic if a little crazy at times, and I'm a very fortunate person to have the opportunities that I have had.