Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yarn Along Wednesday!

It's Yarn Along time!  Every Wednesday, I (try, at least) to join in on the Yarn Along happening over at Ginny's blog, small things.  The objective is to take a picture of what you are currently reading and knitting, together, and then post it to your blog.  Then link your post to the Yarn Along, and everyone can see what everyone else is reading and knitting.

I'm working on a plain, standard sock, of Noro Silk Garden Sock yarn, which is by far my favorite sock yarn. This is my second pair of socks made with Noro, and I love how they knit up really thick and bulky -- the way I feel a knitted winter sock should feel!  It knits up thick and thin, in some places more like a sport weight than a sock weight, but I love it.  I'm knitting on US 2's.  This is the first of two socks, and it's taking me awhile to finish them because it is a standard sock pattern and can get a little boring at times.

The book is my "white whale", A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Volume I, "The Birth of Britain" by Winston Churchill.  I'm over halfway through, reading about the reign of King Edward I (the guy who was the king of England in the movie "Braveheart", which sort of (well, more like completely) bastardized his reign.  It's very good so far.  I'm hoping to be done with Volume I by this weekend.

Happy knitting and reading!


  1. All these socks in today's yarn along. I think I know what my next project should be. :) Lovely yarn.
    My yarn along link is

  2. I really like that sock yarn! I am signing up for a sock class this spring. I am super excited!!

  3. That yarn looks so beautiful! I bet they'll feel wonderful when they're finished. There's nothing more comforting than a lovely warm pair of socks.

  4. History reading! I love it - although I usually go way slow through one of those reads!
    Beautiful sock yarn!

  5. Oh I was just looking at the Noro Silk Garden Sock Yarn. So glad to hear it knits up with some heft to it. I may have to go back and get some.

    Blessings, Elizabeth
