Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yarn Along! May 25, 2011 edition

It's been FOREVER since I participated in a Wednesday Yarn Along!  This was mainly due to my complete lack of inspiration (and being stuck on the same pair of socks forever).  But the socks are finished, and I figured it was time to get back into the game (seeing as my blog is called "Read, Knit, Blog" and I haven't knit in forever).

I started the Lady Bertram Shawlette last night (against my better judgment), but I didn't get far before I decided it was getting late and I should really be getting to bed.  For the record -- learning a garter-tab cast on?  Sucks.  I recommend Youtube.  Suffice to say, I managed the cast on after two attempts, and am ready to start the actual knitting later today.  

Several months ago (yes, before David and I were married), I started knitting him Elizabeth Zimmerman's Seamless Sweater (yes, I am aware of the sweater curse, but considering how slowly I knit, I figured we'd be married long before it was done, and I was right).  I got cold feet and put it aside sometime in August (also, I was bogged down with wedding planning).  Picked it up this morning and realized that it is right around the mid-chest area, and I am about six inches away from needing to put it aside to do the sleeves.  I'm making it out of (what else?) Cascade 220 in the "irelande" shade (appropriate considering that David is very Irish, as is our last name).

As for my book, I'm reading The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, which I picked up at Borders the other day (oh shush, I had a 40% off coupon).  I'm about halfway through; so far, so good.  It's a little difficult to get into (like Frank McCourt, Aimee Bender doesn't use quotation marks, so that's fun) but the premise -- a story about a girl who can taste the emotions of the people who prepare the food she eats -- is an interesting one.  I will probably be done with it within a day or two.  Depending on how the hockey playoffs go (go Bruins!) and how much time I'm willing to put aside my knitting.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That gray is great for a sweater for your husband. Mine doesn't wear sweaters, so I haven't tested the curse. :) And there's nothing wrong with projects taking a while to complete or spending time in the closet!

    Stopping in from Yarn Along. My link is

  2. Greeting from a fellow Connecticut resident!

    Love the color of your husband's sweater. I love the color green, especially that shade.

    I've been wanting to read that book. I'll have to track it down now.

  3. Sounds like a fun read! I love the similarity in our blog names! I completely understand starting a project before finishing that's why I never seem to get anything done!!

  4. I started Lemon Cake, but couldn't get into it... I will have to try it again!

  5. I love that sweater! I have been married for 13 years next week & have yet to knit my husband a sweater! I have a pattern picked out & my husband chose the yarn, which is in a box somewhere, but I want to finish the one I started for my brother first... xo

  6. Wow, I've never heard of the sweater curse before! I'll be sure to wait another couple months before start my fiance one. ;) (Anyway, I am knitting shawls for my bridesmaids and myself, so it's not like I'd have time to start before the wedding!)
