Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Bookshelf

Unfortunately, I'm home today again.  Since this upcoming week is a busy one for me (being Holy Week), I skipped out on going to NY with my sister and friends today because calling in sick to work tomorrow is NOT an option, and I'd rather be fit for work (or somewhat fit) than be in agony on the busiest week of the year.  I do have a story for you today, and it involves a rather ugly secondhand bookshelf.

I acquired this Rather Ugly Secondhand Bookshelf back in 2008, after my sister moved out of our apartment and took my piece-of-crap plywood bookshelf, leaving me with the RUSB.  It was, as she told me rather proudly, something she found for free, and it was a sturdy, good bookshelf, other than being supremely hideous.  This bookshelf was yellow, or had been once, and sponged over with a pinkish-gray sponge paint, and then covered with those trashy metallic stickers that you find in coin machines outside the grocery store or pizza places (KWIM?).  Since 2008, I've been dragging it from pillar to post, always saying that "someday" I'd get to work on it.  

Fast forward to last week, Move-In Day.  My friend Lyndsey, crafter, seamstress, and all-around Master of DIY, saw the bookcase and decided to make it her project.  She came over yesterday, realizing that I was in pain with sore ribs and severe roadburn, and assured me that she would have fun with it.

The original plan was to use a handheld sander to sand the wood down to its original grain, but after five minutes of sanding, we realized that the ugly yellow paint was layer upon layer of acrylic paint, and since we were on a tight schedule, it wasn't going to work.  SO.  Plan B.

Lyndsey sanded the wood down to give it a flat surface.

Then we went to Home Depot and picked up some flat Rustoleum black spray paint and some polyurethane.  Came home, and Lyndsey spray-painted the bookshelf.

Goodbye, ugly yellow paint!

After it dried, we took it into the house and into the spare room (which is kind of a junk room for now) and painted a thick layer of polyurethane over it, which gave it a really nice glossy look.  And just like that, I had a whole "new" bookshelf.  

Unfortunately, I don't have a "final" picture for you yet, because although it's in my bedroom I can't lift the boxes of books out of the closet to fill the bookshelf, so that has to wait until David comes home from work later.  So for now, I'm just chilling, taking my Vicodin and ibuprofen and hoping to feel better by tomorrow.

I'm thinking of buying this Kylie bag from Etsy.  My old purse is getting a trifle beat-up, and I'm in the market for a new one that's pretty, functional, and not too expensive.  This fits the bill (except for the international shipping, ugh).  I think I like the gray, but I'm going to sit on it a day or two more to think.  The shipping is what's killing me.  Shipping should never be so expensive, dammit.  But it's pretty much exactly what I want -- large, roomy, with a shoulder strap (easier for biking) and tons of pockets.  I think this will probably happen in the next couple of days.  I really like most of the colors it comes in, but I'm drawn to the gray.  Figure if I really want to, I can clip pins or something to it to gussy it up.  I like the teal and the rose red colors as well...but I want something practical that's going to go with almost everything I wear, so I think this is really a better plan.

I hope everyone has a relaxing and happy Sunday!

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