Thursday, January 20, 2011

Currents (January 20, 2011)

I figure once in a while, every so often, I'll do a "Currently..." entry, about reading, knitting, life in general, etc.  Since I'm between books right now (more on that in a minute), and sort of in a funk lately (more on that too), I figured today was as good a day as any to start.

Currently Feeling...down.  I'm not quite sure way.  Part of it might be due to the fact that we're getting (more) snow tomorrow.  Most of New England has been buried in snow for the past week, and on Tuesday we got a clean sheet of ice covering everything.  There are icicles the size of my husband hanging outside our windows (I'm really not exaggerating)!  And tomorrow...the forecast isn't fantastic either: we're currently expecting 4 - 9 inches.  Fun fun fun.

Ugh.  Sounds like a blast.  Also for some reason, I've been feeling sort of down about the whole "almost-30, no direct life path yet" thing.  Everyone keeps telling me I'll shake out of it.  But I can't stop feeling like my quarter-life crisis arrived two and a half years late.

Currently Reading:  Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
I feel like I am the LAST person on earth who has read the Hunger Games series.  I know I'm not (mainly because most of my friends haven't started reading them...yet), but still.  Everyone and their mother has recommended these books to me.  My cousin Jennifer sent me the first book, and it's sequel, Catching Fire, last night, on my Kindle (I think I'm also the last person to figure out that when you send someone a book on Kindle, you get to keep it -- I stupidly thought they were a loan, and can't tell you how excited I am that I get to keep them!).  I cracked open Hunger Games right before dinner.

Oh.  My.  God.  I can't put it down.  I really, really, really can't put it down.  I read last night until I passed out.  I read this morning before work.  According to the little ticker at the bottom of my Kindle screen, I am 48% finished with the book, and I can't wait until I start reading it again.  I'm not usually a fan of YA literature (the kids in the 8th grade at the school across the street are reading this right now as part of their curriculum), and after Twilight *shudder*, I am wary of any series of books that everyone goes crazy about.  But nearly halfway into Hunger Games, I am certain that I'm reading a winner.

More gushing (I'm sure) to follow when I've finished reading it.
Currently Knitting: Still working away on Saroyan -- I'm half a lace leaf away from finishing the mid-section and starting on the decreases.  I'm so excited about this project -- it's definitely giving me more confidence in my lace-knitting abilities.  

My goal project, my "magnum opus" if you will, is the Rose of England shawl (Ravelry link).  The page calls it a table cloth, but I can't even imagine ever putting food on that gorgeousness.  Look at it!  It is a Thing of Beauty.  Considering my love of history -- especially English history -- that project and I seem somewhat fated to be together.  I traveled to York, England, with my best friend Leni when I was 22 years old -- five years ago, although it seems much longer now -- and I have a pendant of that exact rose, in white with green leaves, from the beautiful city, one of the prettiest in England.  I haven't gotten up the gumption to tackle this yet.  Maybe a few more smaller lace pieces and I'll be ready for it.

Currently Thinking...that I'm hungry, and that I really want to bust open my Kindle and finish Hunger Games.  I'm also trying to figure out what to make for dinner for me and the husband before he goes off to his evening EMT course.  Steaks?  More chicken?  Not sure.  I'll figure something out.

What are you doing today?

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