Sunday, January 9, 2011

FO: Baby Pumpkin Hat

It's been a rough weekend here, unfortunately.  I've been laid up all day with a sharp pain in the center of my spine, which is probably going to require a trip to the doctor (on the advice of a good friend who is an EMT).  I've been intermittently reading, watching my favorite TV show (The Tudors), and knitting.  But it's not all been a complete has brought me my first FO (finished object, in knitting lingo) of 2011, thus bringing the title of this blog full-circle.

There's going to be a whole bunch of babies born into this family this spring and summer -- not ours, not yet!  David's three cousins' wives are all pregnant, and due in April, May, and June.  There will be two boy babies (April and May) and the one born in June will be a surprise, since Mom and Dad are choosing not to find out in advance.  There's something so delicious about baby knitting -- it's quick, it's (relatively) simple, and you're left with a finished object that you just can't help squeeing over.

Exhibit A: the Baby Pumpkin Hat.

I started this yesterday -- Saturday, January 8 -- and finished it today, after knitting sporadically on it.  Using worsted weight, held double, with US 9 needles, and considering that this is a project that is already tiny to begin with, this thing flew off the needles.

And it is so adorable!  I can't wait to give it away.  One baby knit down, two more to go!

Pattern: Pumpkin Hat by Susan Esser
Yarn: Cascade 220 in 7824 (burnt orange), 2429 (irelande), and 2431 (chocolate heather) -- less than one ball of each
Needles: Takumi bamboo needles, US 9
Modifications: None, with the exception of the leaf.  I didn't like the directions given with Susan Esser's pattern, so I used the pattern listed here.

My feelings?  Obviously I think it's precious.  Knit baby hats are freakin' adorable to begin with.  I'd knit it again, but probably not right away...there are three babies to knit for and I'd like to knit them all something different!

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