Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yarn Along Wednesday! (3/2)

It's Yarn Along time!  Every Wednesday, I (try, at least) to join in on the Yarn Along happening over at Ginny's blog, small things.  The objective is to take a picture of what you are currently reading and knitting, together, and then post it to your blog.  Then link your post to the Yarn Along, and everyone can see what everyone else is reading and knitting.

Yeah, I feel like a complete follower here...but I'm knitting Ginny's newborn hat with a hint of lace for one of the many babies to be born in the next few months.  Knitting it out of (what else?) Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino (too lazy to look up the link today).

I joined the Jane Eyre "Read the Book, See the Movie" challenge on Goodreads, so that's what I am reading at present.  Somehow I managed to avoid reading Jane Eyre in high school and college, and even though some people (like my sister) tell me it's  horrific, I really wanted to read it for myself.  I downloaded it for free on my Kindle, and I'm about 25% through with it, with a goal to finish by March 11, the date of the film's release.  I do look forward to seeing the film, I like Mia Wasinowski (she of Alice in Wonderland fame) and I think she'll do a wonderful job as Jane in the new movie.

Other than that, today is...going to be insane.  David came home last night in searing pain from a wisdom tooth, so we're waiting until the dentist opens at 8 AM to see if they can get him in right away to pull that thing out.  *sigh*  Never a dull moment, right?


  1. Your little wee hat looks lovely!

  2. What a great idea by good reads!! There are so many books/movies that I would like to do that with, especially the classics :).

  3. The hat looks incredibly soft. Hope the dentist can work his magic soon.

  4. I have Jane Eyre on my TBR pile, I didn't know a movie was coming out! Love the hat!

  5. cashmerino is fabulous to work with .... Jane Eyre: I didn't avoid it in high school and so have little good to say about it

  6. I loved my little hat from Ginny's pattern! That's actually how I found her. I can't wait to see it finished!

  7. I've knit that hat, and it is a clever little pattern--not hard, but the results look fantastic!

    Nice work!
